Abo Akademi University
ÅboAkademi University is an internationally acknowledged research university with an extensive responsibility for providing education in Swedish in Finland. With its international research community and its strong Nordic ties, ÅboAkademi University has an acclaimed and recognized position within research and education both nationally and internationally.
ÅboAkademi University (ÅAU) invites applications for a fixed-termed position as project researcher (postdoc) from 1 January 2022 - 30 September 2024. The fixed-term position is full time and the location of work is in Turku. The position is within the project Childbirth, Care and Employment, which is a sub-project in the consortium Family Formation in Flux – Causes, Consequences and Possible Futures (FLUX).
The FLUX consortium is implemented in the research programme Demographic Changes – Causes, Consequences and Solutions (DEMOGRAPHY), funded by Strategic Research Council (SRC) established within the Academy of Finland.
The multidisciplinary FLUX consortium seeks evidence-based solutions for influencing and adapting to changes in fertility dynamics that accelerate population ageing. The overarching goal is to improve the social and economic sustainability of Finnish society. FLUX focuses on the changing fertility and family dynamics in Finland and provides insights into (1) the underlying causes of the changes, (2) the effects these changes have on individuals and society, (3) the linkages of the dynamics with social and gender inequalities and psychosocial and economic well-being, and (4) how social and family policies at both the state and local government levels can tackle the challenges created by the low-fertility landscape. FLUX brings together leading researchers from demography and other key disciplines relevant to understanding the causes and consequences of changing fertility and family dynamics.
The consortium PI is docent MarikaJalovaara, University of Turku. The consortium is closely tied to INVEST and has access to its population data. The sub-project Childbirth, Care and Employment is led by Professor Eva Österbacka.
The subproject Childbirth, Care and Employment will study the short-term and long-term effects of childbirth and use of parental leave on employment, job characteristics, and earnings among women and men, and the link between gendered childcare and subsequent partnership stability and fertility. The starting point is in a Finnish and Nordic context, and the research will contribute to solutions for the demographic challenges in Finland.
Description of the position
The main work tasks of the project researcher is to participate in research within the subproject. Work tasks can include a small proportion of teaching responsibility (5 % of the working time at the maximum) in Economics. Other work tasks related to the project may be added.
FLUX offers collaboration, partly through collaboration between the sub- projects and partly through possibilities to work as a visiting researcher at collaborating universities abroad. In strategic research consortia, societal interaction has a central role, and FLUX offers excellent opportunities to gain experience in societal impact of research.
The project researcher is required to work a total of 1,612 hours per year. The work tasks will be defined in detail in an annual work plan.
In accordance with the Personnel Regulations of ÅAU, a project researcher is required to hold a doctor's degree and pedagogical competence. The candidate is expected to have:
a PhD in Economics or in a related field,
strong skills in quantitative methods and experience in using register or panel datasets,
the ability to conduct independent scholarly work and publish research on the topics related to the project
fluency in English
Successful applicants have strong research orientation. Swedish or Finnish skills, as well as knowledge in Finnish family policies, are considered an asset.
The successful applicant will be appointed following a general assessment of their competence in relation to the necessary qualities to successfully carry out the tasks for the position. The applicants can be invited to an interview.
A trial period applies to new employees.
The project researcher's salary is based on requirement levels 5–6 for teaching and research staff. In addition, an individual salary component based on personal work performance is added to the salary. Please see the salary chart for teaching and research staff.
The application should be submitted electronically in the University recruitment system no later than 15th November at 15.00 (Finnish time zone). Guidelines for the electronic application can be found here: https: // www. abo.fi/en/instructions-for-submitting-an-application/
The application should include:
A researcher's curriculum vitae, including a list of publications, composed in compliance with the instructions given by the Finnish National Board in Research Integrity: https: // tenk.fi/en/advice-and- materials/template-researchers-curriculum-vitae
A research plan describing your own research in relation to the sub- project (max 2 pages)
A certificate of a doctoral degree within a relevant field
Two articles or manuscripts on topics related to FLUX
Recommendation letter from at least two previous supervisors
Contact information
Further information about the position may be obtained from Professor Eva Österbacka (eva.osterbacka@abo.fi) or HR Specialist Ann-Katrin Laine (Ann- Katrin.Laine@abo.fi).