PostDoc Position for the Project: Gene Engineering Macrophages for Cancer Immunotherapy
University Of Zurich
Department of Infectious Diseases and Hospital Epidemiology, University Hospital of Zurich, University of Zurich
PostDoc Position for the Project: Gene Engineering Macrophages for Cancer
Immunotherapy 100 %
We have a very active program in experimental HIV medicine, in particular immunotherapy and gene engineering an HIV resistant immune system, and in gene-engineering monocytes/macrophages to fight cancer. We use all kinds of in vitro and in vivo methods. Ultimate goal is to translate our projects to application. The laboratory of Dr. Speck is very well embedded in the research place of Zurich and benefits from its unique scientific richness. Notably, we have very active international collaborations for the gene engineering part (Prof. Michael Pepper, University of Pretoria (SA) and Prof. Karl-Heinz Krause, University of Geneva (CH)), for studying IFNs (Prof. Gideon Schreiber, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel) and for immunotherapy (Prof. Giuseppe Pantaleo, University of Lausanne and Prof. Renata Stripecke, University of Hannover).
The laboratory is well financed by various foundations, among others by the Swiss National Science, Swiss Vaccine Institute, the VonTobel Foundation and the USZ Foundation.
Your responsibilities
We are looking for highly motivated person as PostDoc for our project: "Gene Engineering Macrophages for Cancer Immunotherapy". Thus we need a person capable working mainly on the molecular biology part of the project e.g. designing and improving lenitiviral vectors, chimeric receptors and evaluating the engineered macrophages in in vitro experiments and, in teamwork together with another PostDoc, in vivo. The desired profile is listed below. The project is related to "Human chimeric antigen receptor macrophages for cancer immunotherapy" (M. Klichinsky et al., 2020), but looking it from a different angle. Please note, the project is a high risk, high gain project with the medium to longterm goal of applying the developed therapy to the clinics.
Because of the Covid19 Pandemic we can only consider applications from European residents.
Your profile
PhD in molecular cell biology, immunology, cancer biology and immunotherapy
Expert on tumor microenvironment esp. tumor associated macrophages
Cell-based assays such as tumor in vitro models and phagocytosis assays
Strong background in molecular cell biology techniques
State of the art cloning techniques (Golden Gate, Bibson, Gateway)
Multi-parameter flow cytometry
Experience with viral vectors for gene therapy/immunotherapy (lentivirus, AAV) or non-viral transduction
Experience with in vivo cancer models especially with humanized mouse models
Experience with fluorescent or live-Cell microscopy
Experience in generation of monocytes/macrophages from IPSC
What we offer
The university hospital Zurich offers a future-oriented work environment with attractive employment conditions. The position is financed by third-party funds and foreseen for three years.
Place of work
University Hospital of Zurich
Start of employment
1. March 2021